Our Mission

Our mission is to partner Rotary and Rotaract members with past and current Peace Corps volunteers for mutual benefits.

Our vision is to increase service and friendship among Rotarians and former international service volunteers for meeting the goals of both organizations.


Our Sponsors

Our Goals

Partnering for Peace forms partnerships between Rotary International international and the global Peace Corps community through ongoing networking, technical support and fellowship. It seeks to implement this mission through a variety of efforts:

  1. Request that Rotary Districts identify all of their international projects, to share with their liaison to the Peace Corps.
  2. Connect Peace Corps Volunteer recruits with a Rotary club to foster mentoring and support while the PCV is in-county.
  3. Match Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) with their local Rotary District to seek partnering opportunities.
  4. Include Rotary and Rotaract members in meeting with outbound PCVs and their families.
  5. Maintain a formal partnership between the US Peace Corps and Rotary International.
  6. Establish formal partnerships with other international service volunteer organizations.


Who We Are

We are a group of volunteers who have walked the path of Peace Corps and Rotary. We noticed the similarities in values, goals, and processes, and how one built on the strength of the other. The two organizations, united, offer opportunities and benefits to both organizations.  It is our hope to share this humanitarian magic with others who will embrace the formal partnership between Rotary International and the U.S. Peace Corps.   

Our Strategic Plan

PFP drafted and executed the partnership alliance with Peace Corps and RI in 2014, when PFP began to support partnership projects in the field. As part of that work PFP also began to formalize its structure, processes and relationships. It established membership policies, created several board committees, and reached out to other organizations including the National Peace Corps Association (NCPA), state and local RPCV groups, and many Rotary/Rotaract clubs and districts.

In light of the alliance’s initial successes, PFP helped Peace Corps and RI update and renew the agreement in 2015, ushering in a more extensive phase of PFP work. Those efforts have led to dozens of projects worldwide. PFP recently evaluated past efforts and developed a clear strategy for the future


To promote collaborative and partnership efforts between the communities of the Peace Corps and Rotary under the terms of the alliance to meet and carry out the partnership’s objectives and each organization’s strategic priorities.


To implement these strategies PFP will adopt both top-down and bottom-up approaches. It will rely on close working relationships with and support from the key national and global organizations and a wide range of grassroots efforts domestically and abroad. The plan also depends on the work of a flexible and dynamic PFP board.

  1. Raise awareness among and educate the entire Rotary family and PeaceCorps community about the benefits of collaboration
  2. Provide information and resources to these and affiliated organizations to assist them in locating and engaging each other for collaborative projects
  3. Provide examples, guidance and documentation of successful projects
  4. Encourage institutional changes and incentives among these organizations to facilitate more effective collaborations
  5. Provide meaningful engagement opportunities for PFP members
  6. Organize PFP effectively to support these goals (via appropriate changes in its governance and in its committee, advisory board, membership and volunteer structures and services)


Click here for a detailed breakdown of the Strategic Plan


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